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Carabiniere Reale

Carabiniere Reale

Regular price $28.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 USD
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The Italianminifig Royal Carabiniere minifigure is sold with an M33 helmet with the emblem of the Corps and the initials of King Vittorio Emanuele. The uniform - full of details and 360° printed on an original Lego - is the one supplied in the 40s, during the Second World War.

From 8th September 1943 - the day when the Armistice signed with the Allies came into force - to April 1945, the Corps experienced the most complex and exciting period in its entire history: the Carabinieri brought an important contribution to the war of liberation from Nazi-fascism, paying a high blood tribute.

Our minifigure represents the Royal Carabiniere who, since 1944, after the Allies consolidated control over the liberated Italian territory, provided support to the Anglo-American military police in maintaining public order. For this aim, mixed patrols were formed made up of Royal Carabinieri and British and American military police officers.

Established in 1814, today the Carabinieri Corps is one of the police forces of the Italian Republic with public security and military police tasks towards the other armed forces. With the rank, in turn, of armed force since 2000, the Carabinieri are part of the Eurogendfor European gendarmerie.


(This product is not a toy: it is not suitable for children under the age of 14, due to the small parts that constitute it. It is a collector's item of historical interest. Each Italianminifig item does not intend to celebrate any authoritarian regime, not intends to foment hatred or a repressive spirit towards freedom and human rights).

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